Liña Foin-Sa’e
National youth hotline
Connect, talk and get support today!
Liña Foin-Sa’e is a hotline providing comprehensive information on healthy relationships and reproductive health to young people in Timor-Leste.
Our experienced team of male and female operators are available to answer your questions and offer advice. We offer confidential calls to all clients, available for free to Timor Telecom (800 1001) and Telemor (7676 7676) users.

Here to understand, listen and support
Young people looking for information can call Liña Foin-Sa’e to get information from our experienced male and female operators. This includes information on:
- Healthy relationships.
- Puberty.
- Menstruation.
- Reproductive health.
- Family planning.
- Pregnancy and infertility.
- Sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Know a group of young people?
Our Liña Foin-Sa’e team also provide adolescent reproductive health information and education sessions to young people across the county.
For more information about the sessions, or to organise one for a group of young people, contact the Marie Stopes Timor-Leste Support Office on 3322 923.
The hotline is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am – 7pm.
Other ways to access our services
We also offer access to quality, comprehensive family planning services through our 12 outreach teams, mobile tent services and national youth hotline – Liña Foin-Sa’e.

Family Health Clinic
We currently operate a Family Health Clinic in Bidau Lecidere, Dili. Our clinic team is comprised of highly competent and experienced nurses, midwives and doctors.

Outreach teams
Our outreach teams deliver services across 12 municipalities in Timor-Leste. The teams work directly in support of Municipality Health Services and often travel to remote and hard to reach locations.

Mobile tents
We use mobile tents to provide services in remote and hard to reach locations of the country. Mobile tents focus on increasing access to services across high-need and low-access communities.
Speak to us confidentially
If you’re concerned about your reproductive health, we’re here to help. Speak to us to set-up a non-judgemental consultation.